Delivery Days

Mondays and Tuesdays


8.30 AM to 4.30 PM


2.5 months followed by 35 hours of work placement



Course Description

HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection is training you to be a phlebotomist, a person who collect blood and specimens. You will gain knowledge and practical skills to equip you to work as a pathology collector of phlebotomist in a health setting. This course will also help you gain transferable skills that you will use in other health related studies in your future career journey.

Entry Requirements:

Academic level:

Completed of High School Certificate or equivalent

English Proficiency

  1. 10 mins interview (face to face or online) – One of the questions is, ‘are you willing to collect blood samples from all patients (gender, ethnicity, cultural background and infection status?’)
  2. Complete a LLN test
  3. Proficiency in using computers

Minimum Age: 18 years old or above.

Career Prospects

  1. Phlebotomist
  2. Laboratory Assistant
  3. Blood Collector
  4. Pathology Collector
  5. Specimen Collector Officer

Future Studies

Students who successfully completed this course may choose to proceed to a Diploma level AQF 5 Health or Community Services Sector.

Work placement requirements:

This qualification has 35 hours of work placement in a pathology centre or hospital.

These are the documents required before going for work placement:

  1. National/International Police Clearance within 6 months
  2. Working with Children’s Check (WWC)
  3. Evidence of the following vaccinations:
  4. Hep B: min 2x adult vac
  5. MMR: 2 x vac
  6. Varicella: 2x vac
  7. DTP: 1 x vac evidence in the last 10 years
  8. Influenza (annual)
  9. COVID-19
  10. TB: Quantiferon Gold- Negative serology Result

Training Delivery

  • Face to Face classroom delivery
  • Stimulated learning environment (using training arms and role play)
  • Specimen collection centre for supervised work placement

Units of Competency

No. Unit Code Unit Name  
1 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people CORE
2 HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
3 HLTPAT001 Identify and respond to clinical risks in pathology collection
4 HLTPAT002 Perform venous blood collections
5 HLTPAT004 Collect pathology specimens other than blood
6 HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
7 BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
8 BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
9 CHCCOM005 Communicate with work in health or community services
10 HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems ELECTIVE
11 HLTAID011 Provide first aid
12 HLTPAT003 Perform capillary blood collections
13 HLTPAT005 Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing
14 HLTPAT006 Receive, prepare and dispatch pathology specimens

Course Details